Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Well today has been a really good day! two weeks ago tomorrow I had a D&C for a my 11 week miscarriage. And I have to say that I over the last two weeks have been reflecting on what is most important in this life. I know that I will see that baby again! whether it be in this life or the next. So rather than reflecting on the fact that I lost the baby I have been trying to remind my self everyday of the things I do have, and that this is what the Savior has in store for me whether I like it or not.

I have noticed that I have been trying my hardest to have a better relationship with my kids who I love to pieces and the Love of my life! I have found it really hard the last few weeks to not get the butterflies in my stomach every time my husband walks by me! I LOVE him with all my heart. Marriage is never easy but I find that I love my husband more everyday even with the imperfections, disagreements and so forth. None of us are perfect! I don't know and can't even imagine what life would be like with out him! He has done more for me in the last few days than I think he really realizes, but that is what we are here for! To love each other, and carry each other through the good and the bad throughout all ETERNITY!

I know that this miscarriage happened for a reason. I don't know what the reason is yet but I am sure the Savior had his reasons and purposes! I love how the Lord works. I am truly great full for my trials as I go through life. It builds our minds and spirits in ways that we never could have thought possible, and shapes us into the people the Lord wants us to be! Just like him! I have known many women who have gone through this and it amazes me the strength that they have and it has inspired me to be strong and rely on my Savior. Because through HIM we can and will accomplish any thing that is thrown at us!

1 comment:

  1. i know how you feel, i miscarried at 17 weeks and also had a D&C. i never knew it would affect me as much as it did..but everything happens for a reason. :) stay positive
