Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dentist Day!~

Dentist Day

Today Darin, Jaxon and I all went to the dentist thought we were getting a cleaning but just ended up getting a check up! I have not been to the dentist in a very long time well I guess you could say since I got my wisdom teeth out when I was 17 so to my surprise I had no cavities! which is a very big surprise since I have never been very good at taking care of my teeth the way that I should!

How ever the huge surprise is that my kids brush their teeth way more often than I ever did and Jaxon has 9 cavities! my kids the other surprise to that is my kids rarely ever have candy or pop or juice for that matter so for him to have that many cavities is beyond me! The poor kid will have to be put out and they will do all the work at once so that is nice! how ever the price tag will not be the thing I will be so happy about if the dentist takes less than an hour to do all the work as it will cost us about $900 for the anesthetic! so we will pray he takes more than an hour!

I also talked to the dentist about getting my one Eye tooth moved into place as it is off and it is hard to brush in the crevice and get all the gunk out of it! and he said I had to options as he looked at the bite of my teeth and notice that my bit is off so here are the options!

Option #1:

get some braces and just move the one tooth which I would have braces for about a year and then my teeth would look good and I would be able to brush the one that has been bothering me since it came in when I was a little! so if we know how much braces cost it would be about $2000 just for cosmetics!

Option #2:

My bite is off so the Dentist said that if I don't do anything about it then it will where my teeth down and I will have jaw problems in the future so to fix that it would be get braces for 2-2 1/2 years and fix every thing so I don't have the problem when I am older! so if we do this option we are looking at about $5000 or more and then my all my problems will be solved!

I guess Option #3

Would be to do NOTHING, and then of course have lots of problems later when I am in my 40's and have to get braces any way! So I will be going to a specialist and they will do a free consultation and then I guess we will make a decision from there.

Nice interesting day at the dentist!


  1. Hey! I love that you started a blog!

    Brighton had 8 cavities a year ago... he had to be "put under" as well! Some kids just have weak enamal too, Bright does and we are major teeth brushers around here.

    Good luck... B's took less than an hour and he had to have 3 full steel caps done, cleaning, and X-Rays.

  2. Oh and I blog too.

