Friday, February 4, 2011

Chores and Fun!

Well yesterday my kids decided that it would be fun to take make a hole in the wall with their door knob and start taking all the plaster out of the hole! So being the nice Mom I am I gave them a choice on how they wanted to fix the hole! The First suggestion was to take all the money out of their piggy banks to pay for the damage and to fix it! and they both said no we are saving that money for things that we want! Second suggestion was that they help me do chores all day long! and to my surprise they say ok we will help you mom to pay for the whole! Surprise you might ask why well my kids hate to do chores! so I just started going through things that would make them never do that again but still make it fun enough that they would still want to learn how to work hard later!

1st chore! cleaning the kitchen! well Jaxon unloaded the cutlery and Erika helped me start to clean up the dishes that were all over the kitchen! we cleaned unloaded the dishwasher! cleaned of the table, and then because I am such a nice mom I made Jaxon Vacuum the Kitchen Chairs and Erika wash them down! then we mopped the floor!

2nd chore! cleaning their room! so while I was wiping things down in the kitchen I had Jaxon and Erika Race to see who could pick up 5 toys the fastest, then laundry and so one until their room was clean!

3rd chore! the living room! well the living room was a disaster so we started out with one corner and then moved to the next and they picked up everything toys, news papers ec. until it was clean enough that I could vacuum!

well by this time it was about 11am and they had already been cleaning since about 7:30am so they were getting tired! so we proceeded onto the next chore Ethan's room!

4th Chore! we had another race who could pick up the most toys (Ethan's room is also the toy room) while I put Ethan's Clothes away and we did that until it was finished! by this time the kids were so tired of doing chores so I let them have a break! and they got to watch a movie while I made lunch!

After lunch they still hadn't gotten dressed for the day from doing all the cleaning but we needed to go help Grandma and Grandpa Heninger but before we could do that we had another chore to do!

5th Chore! Pop Bottles. Jaxon has never helped me out with the pop bottles before so his chore was to come and help me take the pop bottles to the depot and we had lots (5 Bags) so I was teaching him the importance of recycling them, and if we did this then you would get money for saving! and of course this was a fun chore!

On to Grandma's! well grandma and grandpa needed our help hooking up a dvd player so Jaxon got to lean how to do that as one of his chores!

I believe that when you are trying to teach your kids a lesson that you need to make it miserable and fun! specially in this case since my kids already hated chores but they got to lean that working hard helps you earn things( in this case paying for the hole they made) and not all work has to be miserable! So today was teaching them to work hard, recycle, and service( helping the grandparents)!

To my surprise the kids were really good no wining other than being tired and they were still happy by the end of the day!

Now on to the fun! Darin's Birthday is on Sunday and I wanted to do something for him that he would enjoy so I planned a double date with friends that we never get to see and surprised him with it! He never new what we were doing, where we were going, and who we were going with! When the Baby sitter got to hour house we I told him to go to our friends in laws and he gave me this weird look! and then our friends got in the van, and to make it fun, I just told him which way to go instead of telling him where were going! But I think he really enjoyed that! We ended up going with our REALLY good friends Merrill and Christi Strong to Darin's Favorite restaurant MOXIES and of course we had a blast! It was some good times! got to catch up! You know it is amazing how long you can go with out seeing someone but when they are your friends it is like you never went different ways and you just pick up where things left off! Really cool! well we had lots of fun and I hope Darin liked his Birthday Present!

Well that was our day in a nut shell!

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