Monday, March 21, 2011

New Beginnings!

Well it has certainly been a week for new beginnings the ward boundaries in Raymond have now been changed and we are going to be going to 5th ward now instead of 1st ward! I am excited to meet new people but am going to miss mostly my friends in the other ward that I don't see on a day to day basis! I absolutely will miss my Relief Society Presidency! I absolutely loved them, and will miss them deeply! along with my visiting teachers! but as I sit here and listen to the music of Sara Lyn Baril from our Relief Society's March 17th party I know that everything will be ok! that I will be able to mingle and meet new friends in my new ward and feel welcome there! and when things get tough remember this is where the Lord wants me to be!

This week I am also planning on going through a lot of our stuff and starting fresh with no junk! I don't know if that makes sense but when you start fresh it almost feels like you have become a new person and makes you want to be the one person you look up to all your life! I would love to be a better person and work on the things that I need to be doing! the Savior has given us his all and in return asks us to do the same! I need to start or to continue to give my all to his work and his glory! and work towards those spiritual goals that I want to accomplish! the things I won't accomplish sitting around watching tv or cleaning my house! but reading, pondering and praying for the things that the Lord would like me to do in this life!

I am thinking that I would like to start doing the things I love again! I love doing crafts like making baby blankets and then donating them! making hats for winter! crocheting, and not to mention singing and reading! some talents that I have put to the wayside since I have become a mother! I think it may be time to rejoin the ward choir! I have only done that since I was 12 I don't know why I ever stopped! oh yeah cause I had babies and it wasn't as easy to make it to practice! I love to sing and don't think I do it enough but would love to do it more with my husband as we used to! I have always loved the way my husband and I could sing a song and make it harmonize into something beautiful! I don't know if I have a very good voice but I love to sing! and my husband has an amazing voice so he carries me some of the time! I wish I had the money to retake piano lessons and have a piano so that I don't lose that talent I was starting to gain in my young teen years! I love everything that there is about music and always told my self I would marry someone with the ability to play the piano and have a good singing voice and well I did it! he doesn't play very often but I think it is because we don't have a piano! One day we will get that baby grand that we have always wanted! we will definitely work towards that! another goal that we will get to! maybe not right away but we will get there!

absolutely loves that my daughter totally fell asleep listening to church music tonight! maybe that will be a new beginning! listening to church music to calm my children before bed! love it!

so time to go to bed! I think I am just starting to ramble now! ok stopping.. going to bed! night all!

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