Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Feeling Blessed!

     For some reason today I feel really blessed.. I have been dealing with a leg injury from playing softball and I have been feeling kind of down with that because I was training for a 5k run that is supposed to take place on Saturday.. I am still going to run but having to rest up  has been very hard on me.. but with the things that have gone on over the last couple of weeks.. my mind keeps coming back to me "It Could Be Worse"  I could have broke my leg instead of pulling a muscle or what ever the case maybe.. I can still walk and do everything for my self I just have to deal with a little bit of pain.. which in the long run is but a small moment in my life that is I guess you could call an irritation...  Everyone who knows me knows that I am a busy body and having to stay off my feet hasn't been easy! but it has made me realise that it could be worse.. Heavenly Father knows what we are going through at each moment in our lives and knows the pain we go through.. But most importantly he knows how to help us if we just ask...

       Being a Relief Society President hasn't been a piece of cake for me.. I feel like I have grown so much in the Gospel in just a few months but I feel like I still have so much to learn... The thing I have noticed more is the spirit in my life.. I know when I am speaking for the Lord and when his spirit engulfs me that I am saying what he needs me to say at that point to whom ever I am taking to... I can't say that I have ever really felt that until now unless I was baring my Testimony..  I am finding also I can see the Lords tender mercies in my life, and my out look on people as a whole is way different as well... I can't say I enjoy the part of knowing every ones problems because of the person I am all I want to do is fix it all, but then have to realise that those people have to fix their own lives and live with what ever the consequences may be...

      After being called as a Relief Society President I have reflected back on my life many times wondering if Heavenly Father made the right choice in me..  A couple of years ago I never would have even dreamed of being called to this position, I was no where near in the right mind set or even in the right spiritual mind set to have a position like this.. However after moving to Calgary and changing my outlook on life My total outlook changed.. I went from asking my self every week if I was going to go to church that day to it not being an option that we would attend every week unless we were ill..  And not baring my testimony in Sacrament meeting in 5 years to being comfortable enough to bare it almost every other month..  I know that my Husband was inspired to move us to Calgary and to move us into the house we did..  We prayed that we would be put into a good ward.. and I have to say when you feel as welcomed into a ward as we did on our first week here, that's when it starts. New people move into your life, new friends, new co-workers  and your life changes into something you never would have dreamed of.  The Lord knows who to put in your life and when in order for him to mould you into the person he wants and knows you to become..  You just have to be willing to Listen..

     I have gone through a lot of experiences in my life most of them came with a lot of sorrow.. some were happy and some were amazing.. But I know now that I had to go through those experiences to become the person I am today.. If it wasn't for those experiences I wouldn't be Me.. There are many Trials that we are given, some we just survive, some we go through pretty good and some are on going and never stop.. but those experiences build us or break us depending on the way we choose to live through it! Some of our trials we feel we didn't get through with very much stamina however each trial does build us in some way.. We may not think so but when you reflect back you always learn something from that trial that will help you in another one..

      I am forever grateful to the trials that I have had and will yet go through.. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the Women in my Church and to help them in any way I can, Even if I have to share experiences in my life that were sad or sorrowful, if it will help them through what ever trial they are going through I will do it in a heart beat.. Trials to me are like an Education you can't learn  from them in  a text book it is all hands on... but you always learn something that you didn't know before! and they are meant to be shared to help someone else along the way!  We are not alone in our trials our Heavenly Father is there every step of the way! We may not always feel that way but he is there in the sidelines Cheering us on, and Moulding us into the people he wants us to become!

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