Friday, April 6, 2012

Van Delivery! What?

My Birthing Story

Well it all started with taking some gross caster oil drink with orange juice and this lemon essential oil. First dose was at 12:00 noon second dose was at 3:00pm.. didn't start having contractions until about 5:45pm and were about 5 mins apart not too hard I could still talk through them and so we played the waiting game! we had our kids picked up by a really nice lady in our ward who graciously took our kids over night when she had 4 of her own! and she picked them up around 7:30ish... my contractions started to get stronger around 8:00pm so started to time them more! but they were still only about 5 mins apart! called our midwife at about 8:30 and asked her if she could come and check to see how I was doing! and it took her a good hour to get here! by that time I was in the tub and trying to breath through my contractions.. My mid wife arrived at the house about 9:30 -9:45 at which point she checked me and I was a whopping 5cm at that point she started to call the hospitals to see if there was any rooms available! and one with a tub cause I wanted to finish labouring in a tub.. we called Rocky View first and there was no rooms available! then we called Peter Louheed had no rooms at all available! so we decided to make the trek to Foothills! where they had a room for us!

So we get in the Van and Started driving! at this point my contractions were about 2 mins apart I was in the back seat as it was the only place I could get on my hands and knees if I need to slow down labour! well I was doing good and breathing through my contractions! and then about 4 blocks from the hospital I started to get this really bad contraction I screamed out! and flipped on to my knees and clung to Ethan's car seat for support! then my body thought thanks for doing that I am going to now push a baby out! so my Body started pushing and the only thing going through my mind was don't let my water break! so I screamed at Darin and said "I am having a baby" and he didn't believe me.. He said " we are all most there, your water hasn't broken yet you will be fine just breath." that is when I screamed out and said no the heads out and the water just broke! he started to honk the horn at our mid wife that we were following to the hospital! he then started to pull over to the side of the road ( Banff Trail) and the baby basically fell out of my body!( in my pants) at that point I picked the baby up Darin got out of the van I asked for one of the blankets that we had brought for the baby and I started cleaning him off as Darin called the Midwife to tell her we had just had the baby in the back of the Van!... She came back to the van and made sure he was breathing which he was so she said normally we would call the ambulance but we are only like 2 blocks from the hospital so do you want to just drive to the hospital! and of course I wanted to just drive to the hospital! So we got to the hospital and I was just a pretty sight, covered in blood and sitting in a wheel chair but my mid wife did a very good job at getting me into the room so we could cut the cord and so I could deliver the placenta! she then was amazing got me all cleaned off and I fed him! and then we weighed him and was very surprised that he was not a 9lb baby as I would have expected since he was 8 days late! So he weighed in at 7lbs 10oz and 19 3/4 inches long! We are so happy that he was able to come into this world at the Hand of our Lord and Saviour! and that he was born safely despite the fact that it was in the back of the van and totally un assisted. He is a blessing that we will Cherish for the rest of our lives and are very happy and grateful he has entered into our lives and our family! I feel very Blessed to have had this experience even with how crazy it is! but I know that I had My Heavenly Father watching out for me every step of the way!


  1. seriously, I'm laughing. the way you wrote it is just funny. Good for you Tamara. I couldn't have done it!

  2. Oh my goodness girl!! Crazy!! I just can't believe the hospitals didn't have room! Well, I'm glad everything worked out like it did. You are a trooper, wow. Congrats!!
