Wow it sure has been an amazing year. Full of ups and downs.. Happy and sad moments that only build us stronger and more into the person we hopefully want to become! Over the last week I have been wondering what my new goals for the year are going to be! I don't want to say resolutions cause they just come and go at the drop of a hat! nobody sticks the them they are just kind of there! I have really reflected what I want my life to become and what it has been! and I have to say I haven't really been that proud of my self! there is so many things that I need to work on for just me! I know the saying you are always your worst critic and that is so true! I think we are mostly hard on our selves than any one else! but I think that we are the ones that truly know what is going on in our minds, and in our hearts! and that is part of why we are our worst critics! over the last year we have had so many trails I hardly new how we were going to get through the year! but with a little faith we made it yet another year!
Some of my trials have been mostly not knowing and feeling like I have been the best mother to my children! the best example! kind, constructive, those kinds of things! I have always tried my best but there are some points when your children push you to the point where it brings out the worst in you! so one of my goals this year is to be a better example to my kids! I know I will never be perfect but I need to be better!
In the last year I have wondered if I was a good wife! have I done enough, sacrificed enough of my love to keep my husband happy and that fire burning in our relationship!! I know this is more of a battle that I have inside my head but none the less it is still a trial that I think most of us women face! when you have as many or more kids than I do! and you spend your days cleaning house and trying to make it look presentable to your husband when he comes home to only have the kids mess it up ever second and for you husband walk in after work and it looks the same if not worse then he left you always wonder what is going through their mind at that moment! I know there is a say that says if you house is messy or not fully tidy it means you live in your house and have fun with your kids but I always wonder if that is good enough of an excuse to not have a perfect home! so another one of my goals this year is to be a better wife I know there is things I can work on in this department! and it starts with selfless acts of kindness towards my self and my husband!
Over the years my husband and I have really struggle with consistently holding family home evening, family scripture study and prayer.. so This year is going to be different! we have started a new life here in Calgary and it starts with The Saviour! we wouldn't be here in this situation if we hadn't prayed for a change! So this years goal is to be a more spiritual family! with living in Calgary we need to instill a testimony into our children early! so that when faced with temptations at school they will know how the Saviour would want them to act and how to deal with those situations! I may be making my kids grow up a little fast but with out a testimony it is hard to deal with pure pressure! and this again starts with me! being and setting an example to my children on how the Saviour would want us to be and act! I have loved living in Calgary it has been a breath of fresh air! and a new outlook on life! So here is to New beginnings and NEW Goals!
I have spent many years trying to lose weight and eat healthier since I have started having kids and I have always started and then stopped! had a bad day and all I have wanted to do is eat junk food! Well I have come to realise as I have lived in a house with stairs that letting your self go just because it is easier and not a hole lot of work is not the way to live! I used to be very fit and be able to move way easier! I guess with being pregnant I have used that as an excuse to not stay fit! but my last doctors appointment really opened my eyes! If I don't get a handle on my eating and weight/ fitness then I will have a lot more to try and get off at the end of the pregnancy! It can be very depressing knowing how much you weigh and not being able to lose weight but! I have to look at it this way! if I don't change now it will be a lot harder later if I just let my excuses get in the way! With the way society is today with Cancer and diabetes I have to gain control of my life and it starts with me! my mind and what I want! if I want to be winded every time I go up the stairs then I guess I will continue on the path I am on! if I want to be a reasonable weight and have tons of energy then I need to make the necessary changes to my life to make that happen, and no matter how long it takes to reach my goals it has to be done if I want a better way of life! this is the same as the gospel do I choose a better way of life through the Lord! or do I choose the easy way out and give in to Satan's grasp! I love the quote "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it!" This can be used in every aspect of our lives not just the gospel!
I absolutely love when we start a new year! it gives us time to reflect on the things that have happened in the last year.. Which then gives us the opportunity to have a fresh start and to change the things we want to change for the new year! and also to dictate how we want to live the next year through!
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